
As the world mourns and honors former South African President Nelson Mandela, members of the Seattle Central community recall his visit to Seattle in December, 1999.

A few lucky Seattle Central students and staff were privileged to hear him speak at Seattle University during a student convocation. The event was jointly sponsored by Seattle Central, the University of Washington and Seattle University on Dec. 9, 1999.

Seattle Central President Charles H. Mitchell presented honorary Associate of Arts Degrees to Mandela and his wife, Cape Town University Chancellor Graca Machel.

Dr. Mitchell also announced the creation of a scholarship made possible by an endowment from Eleanor Nazarenus, a retired Methodist minister.  That scholarship for African ancestry students,  continues today as part of the Seattle Central Foundation and is known as the Eleanor Nazarenus/Nelson Mandela Endowment scholarship.

In his presentation, President Mitchell spoke about Chancellor Machel’s enduring reputation as an educator and defender of children’s rights, as well as President Mandela’s dedication to freeing the oppressed from racism and imperialism.

The Seattle University program was preserved on tape. To see the clip where the Seattle Central degrees were presented:
