Seattle Maritime Academy shines during Maritime Festival

Over the last week, Seattle Central’s Seattle Maritime Academy participated in Seattle Maritime 101, a month-long series of events that showcase and celebrate the region’s maritime industry. The festivities culminated in the Vigor Seattle Maritime Family Fun Day at Lake Union Park. The academy led a Workboat Parade in its “Instructor” vessel, with. President Paul Killpatrick, Seattle Central Foundation board member Ron Jenkins and the families of several maritime students aboard.

Later in the day, a team from the academy placed second in survival suit races, where students demonstrated their expertise in emergency preparedness by suiting up, jumping into Lake Union and climbing aboard a life raft. A team of students also built a seaworthy raft in the Workboat World Invitational Boat Building Competition. Students and staff  offered tours of the vessel to around 100 festival attendees during the all-day event.

Earlier in the week, Seattle Maritime representatives met with prospective students at several Maritime Career Day events. Maritime Academy representatives attended Maritime Career Day at South Seattle College as well as the Women in Trades Career fair. The academy also hosted 25 students from the maritime program at the Puget Sound Skills Center, a vocational training center for high school students.