State Environmental Policy Act Determination of Significance (DS) and environmental impact statement scoping notice

(PDF version of the notice)

Description of the Proposal:  Seattle Central College is in the process of updating its Major Institution Master Plan.  The updated Master Plan will guide future development on-campus.  To accommodate projected growth in enrollment, new campus facilities and parking will be required, as well as modifications to the existing campus boundaries. 

The Major Institution Master Plan will be prepared consistent with the requirements of the City of Seattle’s Major Institution Overlay District (SMC 23.69) and will consist of three major components: 

  • development program -- planned1 and potential2 development projects, open space/significant landscaping, and similar information;   

  • development standards – proposed modifications to existing development standards (e.g., setbacks, building height limits, lot coverage, etc.); and a 

  • Transportation Management Program – this addresses existing and planned parking, loading/service, bicycle/pedestrian/traffic circulation on-campus and programs to reduce traffic-related impacts. 

Proponent: Seattle Central College 

Location of the Proposal: 1701 Broadway, Seattle, WA 98122 

SEPA Lead Agency: Seattle Central College   

SEPA EIS Required: Seattle Central College, as the SEPA lead agency, has determined that this proposal may have a significant adverse impact on the environment.  An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), therefore, is required under RCW 43.21C.030(2)(c). 

Areas for discussion in the EIS:  It is anticipated that the following elements of the environment could be affected as a result of construction and operational impacts associated with the proposed Major Institution Master Plan.  It is, therefore, proposed that these elements be analyzed in this EIS. 

  • Earth 

  • Air / Greenhouse Gas Emissions 

  • Plants and Animals 

  • Environmental Health 

  • Land Use  

  • Housing 

  • Historic 

  • Aesthetics (Viewshed) 

  • Light/ Glare/Shadows 

  • Transportation & Parking  

Alternatives to the Proposed Action (preferred Major Institution Master Plan) that will be analyzed in the EIS include the No Action and a Decentralization alternative.   

Scoping:  Public Agencies, affected tribes, organizations and members of the public are invited to comment on the scope of the EIS -- including alternatives to be considered in the EIS, probable significant adverse impacts, mitigation measures, and licenses or other approvals that may be required.   

Online Public Meeting:  An online EIS Scoping meeting will be held to provide an opportunity for the public to learn more about the proposed Major Institution Master Plan and to provide input to the environmental review process.  The online meeting will consist of a presentation on the proposed draft Master Plan, an explanation of the EIS Process, and an opportunity for the public to provide comments regarding the alternatives and the scope of analysis contained in the EIS.  The following are details concerning the logistics for the EIS Scoping meeting:  

Things to Know 

  • The forum will be close-captioned & Interpreted (ASL) 

  • You will not see a list of other participants 

  • No general chat option 

  • There will be a moderated Q&A forum for asking questions 

  • The meeting will be recorded in order to document all EIS Scoping comments 


Location: Please click the link below to join the webinar:  

iPhone one-tap :  




+1 253 215 8782 

+1 206 337 9723  

Webinar ID: 929 6626 1709 

International numbers available:  

Date: September 23, 2020 

Time: 7:30 PM to 9 PM  

Written comments will also be accepted via U.S. mail, e-mail, and fax until 5:00 PM September 30, 2020. 

U.S mail:
Seattle Central College 
1701 Broadway 
Seattle, WA 98122 
Attention:David Ernevad 
Director of Facilities and Capital Projects 

Seattle Central College is committed to providing numerous and varied opportunities for community involvement.  These opportunities include online community meetings, campus tours, written materials, and extensive use of its website (   

SEPA Responsible Official: Dr. Sheila Edwards Lange, President, Seattle Central College 

Telephone Number: (206) 934-3800