Nominate a special student for statewide award
The State Board of Community and Technical Colleges recognizes current and former students each year whose lives have been transformed by attending a Washington state community or technical college. Each college selects one awardee, and five of these students are selected to serve as keynote speakers at a special Transforming Lives dinner and receive a $500 cash award. Read about Seattle Central’s 2015 Transforming Lives awardee, Bryce Kasota.
To submit students for consideration, send a brief description (1-2 paragraphs) outlining how they meet the criteria below to the Public Information Office by Oct. 15.
Nomination Criteria:
The awardee may be either a current or former Washington community or technical college student who has completed or made significant progress toward completing a degree or certificate that has helped him/her prepare for or be successful in their future endeavors.
The awardee must share a compelling story* in written format (maximum 500 words) about overcoming barriers to achieve higher education goals and how the education and support received at his/her community or technical college was life transforming (e.g. new employment, self-sufficiency, etc.).
* Please note: all student stories will be published in the Transforming Lives Booklet. The awardee must also consent to having their photo in the booklet.
*Nominated students do not need to submit a 500-word story unless they are selected as Seattle Central’s awardee. The awardee will be notified in late October.